Under the auspices of the Horizon 2020 Framework Program of the European Community (2014-2020), "Call: Mobility for Growth 2014-2015, Topic: MG-8.1a-2014 - Smarter design, construction and maintenance", Mistras Group Hellas was participating as a beneficiary in the Research and Innovation project: "SENSKIN: 'SENsing SKIN' for Monitoring-Based Maintenance of the Transport Infrastructure (2015-2019)". The project aimed to improve Structural Health Monitoring techniques for transport infrastructure through the development of an innovative monitoring and management system for bridges based on an inexpensive, low power, wireless, skin-like sensor. Mistras Group Hellas main role was to develop a conventional, fully-functional strain monitoring system, as well as to install both conventional and SENSKIN monitoring systems on in-service Turkish and Greek bridges for the field-evaluation and benchmarking, of the SENSKIN integrated prototype. In parallel, Mistras Group Hellas was appointed to the role of project’s Exploitation Manager.
View of installed sensors on the under-bridge steel superstructure and the concrete piers of Egnatia G4 bridge.
View of mini-SMS system installed inside the abutment of G4 bridge and conventional strain data recorded under loading conditions.
- Cheilakou, N. Tsopelas, A. Anastasopoulos, D. Kourousis, D. Rychkov, R. Gerhard, B. Frankenstein, A. Amditis, Y. Damigos, C. Bouklas "Strain Monitoring System for Steel and Concrete Structures". Procedia Structural Integrity (10) 2018, pp. 25-32