Before developing an Asset Integrity Management (AIMS), Process Safety Management (PSM), or integrated inspection and maintenance plan, MISTRAS engineers may conduct an asset integrity assessment to pinpoint mechanical integrity faults and potential damages.
These services are offered for many assets in the downstream and midstream sectors of the oil & gas industry, in addition to those in the chemical, petrochemical, and other process industries.
In an integrity assessment, MISTRAS engineering subject matter experts (SMEs) gather background data and documentation on the asset to assess its structural integrity, identify potentially harmful operating condition, and perform corrosion and damage mechanism risk analyses. MISTRAS engineers then use these results to risk-rank equipment and develop future asset integrity inspection, maintenance, and management programs.
Integrity assessments are an important step before developing a pressure vessel Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) program, to ensure that that an NII program is feasible.
In NII integrity review, equipment is divided into zones based on loading conditions and tolerance to flaws, and engineers review:
Based on the results of this assessment, MISTRAS SMEs can determine whether a non-intrusive inspection program can satisfy mechanical integrity (MI) and PSM regulations. If so, the integrity assessment results will enable MISTRAS to develop an inspection plan tailored to the expected damage mechanisms and existing damage.
MISTRAS serves as an industry leader in developing risk-based integrity management (IM) programs for its pipeline clients. Through the use of the industry-leading PCMS data-management software, MISTRAS’ risk-based integrity assessments determine an asset’s criticality by analyzing the probability and consequence of failure.
Criticality assessments seek to identify factors including (but not limited to):
These resulting data enable operators to optimize maintenance planning by helping to determine how critical an asset’s damages are and how likely the asset is to fail.
Criticality assessments are most effective when centralized through an inspection data-management software like PCMS, as the software is able to not only house all of a line’s available historical inspection data, but also perform the complex engineering analyses necessary to ensure your line is free from potential harm.
When risk-based criticality assessments are combined with MISTRAS’ inspection, maintenance, engineering, and monitoring capabilities, MISTRAS helps you centralize your pipeline protection from new construction all the way through pipeline integrity management.