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Integrated Pipeline Solutions with Data Acquisition, Warehousing, and Predictive Analytics

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Serving as your OneSource™ pipeline protection provider, MISTRAS keeps pipeline networks in service with solutions for inspection, engineering, monitoring, and pipeline data management solutions through our integrated data journey.

Pipeline networks are some of the most crucial transportation infrastructure in the world that people around the world rely on every day. While these assets are essential in keeping society operating, improperly managed pipelines can lead to asset failure or even hazardous conditions for the environment and communities nearby.

MISTRAS and member-brands Onstream Pipeline Inspection, New Century Software, and Integrity Plus understand the importance of keeping pipelines flowing safely and provides a comprehensive range of pipeline protection solutions to decrease the possibility of hazards- and mitigate them quickly if they do occur. As the industry evolves and becomes increasingly reliant on technology, MISTRAS has introduced an integrated data management solution for pipeline integrity. This solution supports pipelines at every stage of their lifecycle and creates an interconnected highway of information from acquisition to predictive analytics. These elements of the integrated data journey consist of data acquisition, data warehousing, and predictive analytics.

We’re prepared for both small and large projects, with access solutions and a fully-equipped vehicle fleet for nearly any terrain and location. Operating on newly-constructed, mature, buried, and aboveground pipelines, our full range of high-value pipeline protection solutions help your operation maximize safety and efficiency to extend your pipeline’s lifetime. MISTRAS provides solutions to enable our clients to ensure the safety of their lines, the public, and the environment, while still maximizing pipeline productivity.

Pipeline Data Acquisition Solutions

As the first stage in the integrated data journey, the acquisition of data is carried out through non-destructing testing (NDT) and inline inspection (ILI) in the new construction phase and beyond.  Once data is collected through these measures, it is recorded and transported through mobile digital reporting.

New Construction & Pipeline Integrity Inspection Services

MISTRAS offers a robust suite of available non-destructive evaluation (NDE) inspection services, ranging from traditional NDE to high-tech pipeline crawlers. Our key pipeline NDE services include:

Our pipeline NDE solutions help us to accurately identify locate, and size girth material weld defects, monitor discontinuities over successive inspection intervals, calculate growth rates of discontinuities, and plan repair or replacement activities.

After your pipeline has been in operation for several years, MISTRAS performs pipeline integrity inspections & assessments to ensure it continues to operate safely, including high-quality inline inspection (ILI) services. Our pipeline integrity assessment solutions include:

  • Aboveground Survey Direct Assessments
  • Pipe-to-Soil Potential
  • Corrosion Measurements
  • Coating Inspections
  • Inline Inspection (ILI) Services
  • AUT Inspection of Dead Legs
  • Remote Auditing

Onstream Pipeline Inspection provides TriStream MFL ILI services for small, medium, and large-bore pipelines, including those that were previously considered unpiggable. We use combination inspection tools with high-resolution sensors in both free swimming and tethered configurations. Our tools identify and record all pertinent pipeline data, including metal loss defects and pipeline-specific geometry features.

Data Reporting

MISTRAS offers solutions to send data straight from the field to a company's inspection data management system (IDMS). Our MISTRAS Digital® mobile reporting platform allows real-time data reporting with customizable modules to enhance the platform’s capabilities for your needs.

Our mapping & reporting, a specialty of member-brand New Century Software, capabilities also enhance NDT and ILI data acquisition activities. Our alignment sheet software help the mapping process be as effective as possible. Our software for reporting also extends to pipeline data management applications, tools for building linear models, data synchronization, and data loading all to make the process as integrated as possible.

Learn more about how MISTRAS' pipeline inspection services give you the integrity data you need.

Pipeline Data Warehousing Solutions

Increased government regulations are requiring all historical inspection data to be accessible in a timely and organized fashion. While traditional warehousing efforts have seen paperwork collected and filed away, our asset performance management (APM) applications digitally store inspection data in one consolidated location for later retrieval for review, planning, assessment, and any other needs.

Through our Plant Condition Management Software (PCMS), data analysis software for multi-segmented inspections, and various management programs for integrity, mapping, and reporting, MISTRAS centralizes inspection and pipeline integrity data, enabling pipeline operators to make more informed decisions on their pipeline maintenance.

Learn more about data warehousing.

Predictive Analytics

As a crucial step in the integrated date journey, our predictive software help ensure continued pipeline integrity by measuring spill impact potential and overall risk along pipelines. Data alignment for accurate streamlining of reports also contributes to using data to foresee the future of pipeline integrity.

Integrity Plus by MISTRAS helps ensure that data is used to predict the future of integrity by utilizing a geographic information system (GIS). Combining PCMS or a GIS' advanced engineering capabilities with access to historical inspection data, MISTRAS works with clients to prioritize potentially high-risk problem areas. Predicting pipeline risk and spill potential allows problems to be mitigated before failure can occur. 

Learn more about predictive analytic solutions here. 

What's Next?

Optimize your operations with a OneSource solution.

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