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Managing Asset Integrity Risk by Integration of Integrity Operating Windows

Managing Asset Integrity Risk by Integration of Integrity Operating Windows

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Managing Asset Integrity Risk by Integration of Integrity Operating Windows

This article, published in Inspectioneering Journal, outlines Integrity Operating Windows (IOW) and the parameters needed to control the process within the established limits of an Asset Integrity Management (AIM) program.

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Aerospace Services Brochure

Aerospace Services Brochure

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Aerospace Services Brochure

With a multinational network of labs, MISTRAS can perform individual component inspections up through centralizing multiple inspection, testing, and machining solutions throughout the production cycle.

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Fire Apparatus Inspection Services

Fire Apparatus Inspection Services

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Fire Apparatus Inspection Services

A brochure outlining MISTRAS' ISO 17020-accredited fire apparatus inspection services, including NFPA testing for aerial devices, fire hoses, ground ladders, and fire pumps.

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Veins of Vitality - How Inline Inspection Sustains Pipeline Integrity

Veins of Vitality - How Inline Inspection Sustains Pipeline Integrity

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Veins of Vitality - How Inline Inspection Sustains Pipeline Integrity

An article published in OnestopNDT Magazine featuring Onstream Pipeline Inspection's use of Inline Inspections (ILI) to enable pipeline integrity safety.

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Guided Wave Short Range Scanning Services

Guided Wave Short Range Scanning Services

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Guided Wave Short Range Scanning Services

MISTRAS Group's Guided Wave Short Range Scanning services can quantitatively measure corrosion at supports and penetrations, inspect for Touch Point Corrosion (TPC), and see through different-sized coatings in typically inaccessible locations.

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Pipeline Materials Positive Identification and Determination of MAOP

Pipeline Materials Positive Identification and Determination of MAOP

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Pipeline Materials Positive Identification and Determination of MAOP

In an article published in Inspectioneering Journal, MISTRAS outlines solutions for pipeline material identification and maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) recalculation, emphasizing the impact of composition analysis for Mega Rule compliance.

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Hydrofluoric (HF) Alkylation Flange Face Inspection Application Brief

Hydrofluoric (HF) Alkylation Flange Face Inspection Application Brief

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Hydrofluoric (HF) Alkylation Flange Face Inspection Application Brief

This application brief outlines MISTRAS' proven inspection procedure for non-intrusive inspection of hydrofluoric (HF) alkylation flange faces.

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Developing an Effective Mechanical Integrity Program

Developing an Effective Mechanical Integrity Program

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Developing an Effective Mechanical Integrity Program

A one-page flyer outlining the components needed to build an effective Mechanical Integrity (MI) program for midstream and upstream facilities.

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The Sound of Success for Wind Turbine Blades

The Sound of Success for Wind Turbine Blades

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The Sound of Success for Wind Turbine Blades

Sensoria® by MISTRAS article was published in North American Clean Energy about how proven, real-time Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring technology detects defects more effectively than traditional inspection methods.

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Sustaining Underwater Pipeline Infrastructure

Sustaining Underwater Pipeline Infrastructure

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Sustaining Underwater Pipeline Infrastructure

An article published in Tube Products International magazine emphasizes the critical need for underwater structural integrity checks. With tens of thousands of miles of liquid petroleum pipelines buried deep below the waterline, this article highlights the need for regular inspection and monitoring.

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